Raynald Losier and Nina George started the family business in 1993 to stay home with their kids, Malaya Mountain and Rahel Sky.

Instead of working away from the farm and sending the kids to daycare in 1993, Raynald Losier and Nina George created Mountain Sky Soaps in their basement farmhouse.

Raynald and Rahel Sky Losier 1993

Raynald and Rahel Sky Losier 1993

Mountain Sky’s name originated from their daughters’ middle names, Malaya Mountain and Rahel Sky.

Both kids were born at home and fed home-grown vegetables as part of their diet. Raynald and Nina place a high importance on growing their own food, canning seasonal produce, and supporting local farms.

It was a labour of love and persistence that created the first Mountain Sky soap bars.

After much research and study of old soap recipes, Raynald created the original Mountain Sky soaps. Mountain Sky has kept the same basic recipe and has stayed away from soap fads that would reduce quality.

Malaya Mountain, Raynald, Nina and Rahel Sky 2002

Malaya Mountain, Raynald, Nina and Rahel Sky 2002

Instead of the 400 square foot basement, Mountain Sky products are produced in a 7,000 square foot facility. The soaps are made in our mountain valley based factory using an old-fashioned cold process method where we do not boil the oils. Most modern mass market soap are boiled and the glycerine is separated out. Our hand-cut soaps retain its high glycerine content.

As a result of 25 years in business, Mountain Sky has built-up a loyal following of Mountain Sky soap lovers because people trust Mountain Sky’s naturally made products.

Our company and products reflect our commitment to a higher quality of life for our family, employees, environment and community.

Raynald Losier and Nina George, founders and owners